When you think of Brazilian waxing, you may think of women getting intimate waxing. The truth is that Brazilian waxes for men are very much a commonality within professional waxing studios! After all, men like to take care of themselves too! Why should you be expected to deal with the short term, subpar quality of shaving when there are better options available? Come with us as we dive into the world of male waxing – specifically the benefits of getting a male brazilian wax.
The answer to this question is simple. The truth is, the benefits of a brazilian wax are the same across the board. Regardless of gender, there are multiple benefits that set waxing your sensitive areas over shaving or using harsh chemicals. Here are our top three reasons we think that men should start taking a little time and invest in a male brazilian wax, AKA the “Manzilian Wax”.
First and foremost – waxing lasts longer! If you’re a neat freak and love to keep your landscaping pristine, shaving just doesn't cut it. Every few days you’ll find yourself touching up to make sure you look, and subsequently feel, your best. When it comes to waxing, your hair doesn't begin to grow back for several weeks. Additionally, if a regular waxing routine is kept in place, after a few sessions your hair will begin growing back a bit sparser.
Although shaving is generally more convenient since it is accessible at any time (so long as a razor is available), it also comes with some big downsides: prickly stubble and ingrown hairs . What good is removing unwanted hair from your skin if it simply turns out looking rough and bumpy? Annoying ingrown hairs are part of the deal when it comes to shaving, as they are almost inevitable. The frequency of ingrown hairs is due to how the shaft of the hair is cut while shaving. Since the existing hair growth is cut instead of removed, any pointed part of the newly cut shaft of hair can get trapped under dead and dry skin.
In order to achieve smooth skin, free of ingrown hairs, we recommend curating a regular waxing schedule coupled with a routine of exfoliation and moisturizing.
Spending 30 minutes getting a manzilian can save you a cumulative few hours over the span of a few weeks. After all, the last thing you want when rushing to get ready is to remember that you still need to shave. Save yourself the time and stress of rushing around by resolving the issue with a regular waxing routine!
Besides being a time saver and saying “Adios!” to ingrown hairs, there are a few other benefits to consider when getting a brazilian wax . The truth is, while we may be focusing on the sensitive area of your body, these benefits apply to more than just the nether regions and expand to all areas of the body.
The internet may have a way of painting waxing as a scary, painful experience. The reality of it all is that waxing is actually a form of self care! When you body-scape, you’re not only putting time aside for yourself and your appearance, you’re also increasing your mindfulness for hygiene. After all, not only do you end up looking and feeling good about yourself, but others appreciate a man's ability to invest in personal grooming.
When discussing how the results of waxing last longer than when shaving, we briefly mentioned how waxing changes your new regrowth.To add on to the changes in regrowth, waxing regularly can eventually slow down the time it takes for your hair to regrow. This change in your hair's growth pattern is due to the damage the follicle repeatedly incurs when the hair is removed.
That means that, not only do the results prove to be longer lasting with finer regrowth, but it also means that the growth cycle is slowed down leaving you with longer periods of smooth, hair-free skin!
Lastly, genitals and the area surrounding it is always far more sensitive than the rest of your body. Even though waxing is painted as a painful process, the idea of cutting and tugging your skin to try and get the perfect shave is far from desirable.
Additionally, with proper training and the advancements in the production of professional waxes, getting a manzilian wax is far less painful than you’d anticipate. Since getting a male brazilian is a little different than any other full body waxing services, we choose to use hard wax here at Mixed Esthetics, as it only binds to your hairs and not your skin. Since the wax doesn't adhere to anything but your unwanted hairs, the overall process is far less painful and much easier on your skin!
If you’re thinking about taking the plunge and diving into the wonders of getting a male brazilian, come see us here at Mixed Esthetics ! Not only do we want to help you achieve your self care goals, but we want to curate the most professional and welcoming environment so that you feel comfortable doing what makes you happy. Call or book your next appointment with us online. We hope to see you soon!
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San Diego, CA 92108
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